[Effect of cavinton and sulfocamphocain on systemic and cerebral hemodynamics in patients with early forms of cerebrovascular diseases]


Ishchenko MM, Shkrobot SI, Borak VT




Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr


In a study involving 33 patients with initial manifestations of inadequate cerebral blood supply and in 22 patients with transient disorders of the cerebral circulation in the presence of atherosclerosis (n = 45) and atherosclerosis with arterial hypertension (n = 8) the authors studied the effect of intravenous administration of cavinton in combination with sulfocamphocain on the clinical manifestations and on the systemic (using the method of Evans’ dilution) and cerebral (using Doppler ultrasonography) hemodynamics. It has been demonstrated that both a single intravenous administration of cavinton in conjunction with sulfocamphocain and a course of treatment with these drugs reduce the volume of the circulating blood, lower the stroke and cardiac indices, increase the linear velocity of blood flow along the carotid and vertebral arteries, and decrease neurological symptomatology. The authors discuss the questions related to indications for the administration of cavinton in combination with sulfocamphocain to patients with inadequate cerebral blood supply and transient disorders of the cerebral circulation.

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